Post-Op Follow-Up with Silver-Fox Plastic Surgeon


Yesterday I had my first post-op appointment with the silver fox, plastic surgeon.

I had no expectations for today and quite frankly, just expected them to look at my baps and be done with it.

We arrive and the lovely nurse cleans my stitches. We take off the plaster on the recently butchered, artist formerly known as the total eclipse of the nipple (TEOTN) and all looks well. We give that a clean too and that was pretty much it.

However, what the appointment lacked in activity, it made up for in information. So here goes:

–          I can shower! My current washing routine involves me inserting one leg in the shower, removing it, inserting the other leg in the shower, removing it and so on. The ability to have a full on shower without the aid of ‘bath in bed’ wipes is amazing news.

–          As soon as I feel comfortable, I can drive. The nurse’s quote was “as soon as you can be sure you won’t run over a child because you’re worried your boobs hurt then you can drive.” OK, kids over boobs. Got it!

–          I have been told I can go on a stationary bike. I took this to mean that I can go to a spin class. Mr F said that I have grossly misinterpreted this sign-off and there is a big difference between a stationary bike and sweating my new tits off in a spin class. I have another appointment on Monday. I can wait that long to check.

–          Oh yes, I have another appointment on Monday. Filling station number 1 (the process in which they make the new boobs get bigger). I didn’t think they’d start so soon, especially with TEOTN, but it soon begins. I already have 100 cc of saline in there so, come next week, it will be 150 cc on each side and I will be back to my 17 year old rack, once again (I was a late developer).

  • For the inquisitive among you, here is a short and pretty straightforward video about how the plastic surgeon goes about filling your expanders with saline. I’ll explain more next time.

So this may not seem like an exciting appointment, but for me it was ace. Oh, and silver-fox plastic surgeon has a new beard. It really suits him.

silver fox

13 thoughts on “Post-Op Follow-Up with Silver-Fox Plastic Surgeon

  1. Being able to shower, drive, and exercise. Good for you! I am amazed at the different restrictions on showering. My surgeons have told me that showering the day after surgery is okay. I’ve seen guidelines from other U.S. hospitals that advise waiting as long as 2-3 weeks.

      • I know they don’t like the bandages to fall off. My onco-surgeon uses this fantastic tape called Arglaes, which is flexible, waterproof, and breathable. It also did not irritate my skin. My plastic surgeon uses more fabric-like tape. He gave me a skin graft a few months ago and I was instructed to keep it dry. He put a plastic film over it so I could shower.

  2. YES!!! The first shower feels soooo good. I’m excited for you. How was it?

    Awesome expander video find! I’m adding it tomorrow when I post about my second expansion (with proper finder’s credit to you, of course).

    • It was good. Today will be my first shower WITH hair wash. I’m allowing 2 hours to wash, dry and straighten my hair before date night. We’re only going round the corner but my preparation will be epic.
      It’s quite good isn’t it. Explains it simply enough. Number 2. That’s exiting. Can you really notice the differecce?

  3. What? No sneaky iPhone pics of silver fox? Congrats on not having to do the hokey pokey shower any more. Im guessing running over little old ladies might be okay? Spin class might be overdoing it lol.

    • Sure, I can aim for them instead of the kids.
      I might try to just sit in a spin class for my first try. You know, just not do very much while i’m in there. I’m more missing the music etc. than going hell for leather. We’ll see?
      How is the new hair?
      No! He need to fill my chest with saline and give me a new set of boobs so I can not reveal his identity until I don’t need him any more!

  4. Pingback: Filling station #1: 150CCs | I'm getting my boobs chopped off

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